the Beijinger's Six-Word Writing Competition: All the Entries – Part 2

The competition may be over but the Beijinger's Six-Word Writing Competition keeps on giving. It's time to share every single entry that we received. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Your efforts are appreciated. As for all of you who didn't enter the contest: Get ready to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Without further ado ...

OK, a small bit of further ado. All of these entries are listed verbatim as they came to us in the original emails. They have not been intentionally edited. The copy editor in us wanted to write "[sic]" all over them but this caveat can serve the same purpose.

  1. Driving in Beijing improves my EQ.
  2. Tastes special? Believe it’s very healthy.
  3. "My Beijing, too awesome for words"
  4. Hope you're having a lovely day
  5. Third baby, made in China: HOME.
  6. Fresh fruit daily: seasonal, affordable, FANTASTICAL.
  9. Change at the speed of thought!
  10. Right foot, left foot, forward march!
  11. Just leap! Shangdi will catch you.
  12. Brokenhearted? Don't Cry! Smile: Beijing happened!!
  13. Search Beijing and find my heart.
  14. Confused but transfixed, always wanting more
  15. English teacher (synonyms): reject, misfit, vagabond
  16. Aspiring professional: hard working, chopstick skills
  17. Internet freedom, no. Piracy, hell yes!
  18. I see Mao everywhere, but alive
  19. My hutung toilet is f***in' dirty!
  20. Fell from sky, landed in Beijing
  21. Are you the foreigner running away?
  22. Harmony for you, freedom for me
  23. My confession: I am culturally bi-polar
  24. I need to squat to breath
  25. Lingering laowai lost and then found
  26. Duffle coat resplendent while dumpling dependent
  27. My advice, What's our best price?
  28. Love Lies Limp Beijing Breaks Balls
  29. If you speak slowly, I can understand.
  30. I realized it didn't matter anymore.

Think you can do better? Go and leave your six words on the collage at The Bookworm.



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R there really so many muppets who feel like China is a step up for them?? OMG! Mind boggling...r they all homeless, clueless, consciousnessless....and yes, what AM I doing here? Indeed...

WTF IS WRONG WITH U ALL (can WTF count as one word?)


(BTW I first came to China in 2003, four years straight, out, in, out, in, out, in again...i think im trying to learn tolerance, patience and incompetence;-)
