Is This Beijing's Brainiest Bartender? Kenn Bermel

“Mastermind” is a regular magazine column in which we quiz Beijing’s barkeeps on general knowledge as well as on a subject in which they consider themselves to be a specialist.

Contestant : Kenn Bermel , Brussels Bar and Restaurant

Specialist Subject : Whiskey


How many men have walked on the moon: ten, 12 or 14?
I’m taking a guess here, so I’ll try to make it an educated guess. Er … I’m gonna go with ten. X

The Blue Nile and the White Nile join up near which African capital?
I’m gonna go with Cairo. Probably wrong, but I don’t know what else to say. X

In which decade did US meteorologists begin using female names to identify hurricanes: 1930s, 1940s or 1950s?
This one I’m totally guessing. 1930s. It’s an interesting question. X

In ancient Athens, what tree was considered sacred?
I’m gonna guess an olive tree, but again, entirely a guess.

Which planet in the solar system has the strongest surface winds?
I’m gonna go with Venus. X


Laphroaig is produced on which Scottish island?
Islay. I don’t know if that’s the name of the island.

The word “whiskey” is an anglicization of the Gaelic word for what?
Oh! This one I know! I can even spell the Gaelic word. Yeah, I’ve forgotten. I don’t know, let’s go with the grain, barley. X

What is generally regarded as the world’s oldest whiskey distillery?
I’m gonna have to say I don’t know that one. I’m seriously drawing a blank here. Glenlivet – I have no idea! X

Which cocktail does not contain whiskey: Manhattan, Tom Collins or Rusty Nail?
A Tom Collins.

True or false: By US law, bourbon must be aged in new oak barrels?
Yes, it’s true.


Answers: 1) 12 2) Khartoum 3) 1950s 4) olive tree 5) Neptune 6) Islay 7) water 8) The Old Bushmills distillery in County Antrim, Northern Ireland 9) Tom Collins 10) true

Verdict: We thought Kenn might pose a challenge to the current leaders of our Mastermind campaign, but a weak general knowledge round leaves him languishing among the nightlife nearly men. He does know his whiskey though: Stop by Brussels and find that out for yourself.

Click here to see the May issue of the Beijinger in full.

Photo: Judy Zhou