Louis CK Live In Beijing: One Night Only

The Emmy and Grammy-winning Louis CK was in town last week to play a somewhat secret gig on Sunday. Despite the Beijinger being lucky enough to sponsor the event, we were sworn to secrecy because the organizers didn't want it getting out of hand. It nearly did anyway as Beijing Cream let the cat out of the bag (before promptly being asked to shove back in as best they could) and so it was that a fortunate crowd packed out the charming Zhengyici Peking Opera Theater. They enjoyed a wait, Slow Boat beer, a little more waiting, Kro's Nest pizza, some rumors that were not enough seats, a bit more waiting and then a night (well, an hour or so) of top-class comedy.

Louis CK was very funny on the night. Us recounting his jokes line by line is won't do him justice, so we won't. If you want to read a review of the show (and some of his jokes), then check out a certain Beijing-based blog which we've been asked not to link directly to in this particular case.

What we do have for you is a clip of Louis live on stage (albeit not in Beijing) for those who missed it. Be warned: It's NSFW, but if that doesn't put you off, here's the full-length concert. Not bad at nearly twice the length of the 45 minute set of new material that he tried out on Beijing. Enjoy the video and check out our gallery of the event here.

Photo: Mitchell Pe Masilun