New Bars: Spin to Win at Nian Bar

Nian Bar’s manager, formerly a globe-trotting musician, describes his new Andingmen hutong bar as a relaxed spot perfect for pre-gaming. While the bar’s drink deals and affordable booze do make it a fine starting point for a long night of bar crawling in Gulou or clubbing in Sanlitun, there’s plenty to entice patrons to cancel rowdier plans and stay plopped in Nian’s deep, comfy chairs for the night.

With two ladies’ nights and other drink promos throughout the rest of the week, it’s never hard to find a deal here, especially for those of the fairer sex. Saturday’s Ladies’ Night featured half-price Cosmopolitans for my friends (RMB 15), with Pink Ladies and Sex on the Beach also half-off. Bottles of Harbin go for RMB 20, and on Wednesdays RMB 50 will get you a bottomless glass of local brew. If you prefer your grog from outside the Middle Kingdom, imports go for RMB 30-40. And on Thursday nights, all 60 of Nian’s shooters are just RMB 5.

A crystal chandelier, a foosball table, and flatscreen TVs combine surprisingly well with black leather, polished wood, and soft lighting. The soundtrack bounces between Britpop, synth-driven club tunes, and chirpy Top 40 hits. Most intriguing of all was the prize wheel mounted on the bar’s back wall, which seemed to offer the vague promise of free drink. Rumor has it the game is rigged, but you’ll have to head to Nian and give it a whirl to confirm.

Also try: Huxley’s, Nanjie

Nian Bar Daily 6pm-2am. 21 Cheniandian Hutong, Andingmennei Dajie, Dongcheng District (8408 4300) 东城区安定门内大街车辇店胡同21号

By subway: 500m southwest of Andingmen station (Line 2)