Taiwanese Handmade Cakes: Buy Some if You Can Afford to Wait

My younger sister and her friends have recently been talking a lot about Taiwanese handmade cakes. This is not just because of how great they are but also because of how hard they are to buy. After she gave up after waiting in line for half an hour to buy some, I decided to go and check out what all the fuss was about.
The source of the excitement is the Taiwanese shop Guzaowei on Jintai Road, tucked away between some small restaurants and a quiet grocery store. If you walk 300 meters south from Exit D of Jintailu on Line 6 you can’t miss it - there is always a long queue outside the shop.
The poster in the shop’s display states (in English) that the cakes are only made from natural ingredients and contain no preservatives, food additives or flavor enhancers. The line, which features elderly women and young people alike, moved very slowly and at 4pm on a weekday it took an hour before I got my chance to see the menu.
But was it worth the wait?
Keep reading on beijing-kids.com.