What Do You Meme I Can Win Free Sherpa's? Delivery Company Hosts Meme Contest

Heating's on full blast, and while the outdoors are an increasingly unpleasant place to be unbundled, indoors often can mean closing windows and stripping down (see above). Plus, hot or not, pants just kind of suck.

What does this have to do with food? If you don't want to leave your house, this is the right country to be living in. Pretty much everything can be delivered to your doorstep, and in a very traditional vein, this includes victuals. Sherpa's is running a contest through November 30 – create their favorite meme and win RMB 250-1,000 in Sherpa's vouchers. For further details and a heap of memes already submitted, click here.

Photo: Sherpa's


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Brilliant meme. So true.