Good Morning Beijing May 22, 2015: Beijing News, Weather, Classifieds, and More

Today is Friday, May 22, 2015.

Weather forecast: Sunny. Today's high will be 31℃, low of 16℃.

License plate restrictions: 0 and 5.

The Event You Shouldn't Miss Today Is:

50% off home-brewed beer at Paulaner Bräuhaus 3-5pm every weekday

See all of the happenings in Beijing on our Events calendar.

The Blog Post You Shouldn't Have Missed Yesterday:

Five Ways You Can Have Fun (and Help Nepal at the Same Time)

Stay with our Blog throughout the day for the latest on what's happening in Beijing.

The Classified Ad You Absolutely Must Read Today:

Kinky Couple

Buy and sell, look for work, or find love in our Classifieds section.

Have a great day! Stay with the Beijinger all day long for more news and useful information about life in Beijing.

Photo: Ken