Have a Merry Canto-Pop Themed Christmas with Ren Hang and Bye Bye Disco

Undoubtedly the most unique Christmas party next week is a special collaboration between Ren Hang and Bye Bye Disco. These two entities will join forces to create a special Chinese-themed disco party, featuring loads of 80s Canto and Mando pop for you to get those Christmas jollies off in neon-kitsch style.

It reminds us of how in the States or in countries across Europe, Chinese restaurants are some of the only places open for diners, or people of other religious faiths not celebrating the holiday to feast with their families. How many of you remember the scene in A Christmas Story, when a pack of neighborhood dogs steal the turkey and the family resorts to eating roast duck at the local Chinese restaurant?

Similarly, we imagine there won’t be many ex-pats organized parties around Beijing on this day as many of us will be vacating the city, but if you are indeed stuck Everybody Dance to Disco! should be a special retroactive celebration, especially for those of you that enjoy slightly cheesy Chinese songs of yore. DJs Pei, Darcy, and Damone will combine their talents to crank out at max volume tunes by the likes of Anita Mui (see below), Aaron Kwok, Sandy Lam, and Prudence Liew on this joyous occasion.

Ren Hang has yet to disclose exactly how he will be decking Dada’s grimy halls for this special occasion, but you can bet there will be on display some of his tasteful erotic visuals and hopefully a healthy selection of 80s Hong Kong paraphernalia strewn about. For more info, check out the event listing here.

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Email: danielkippwhittaker@thebeijinger.com

photo: from organizers