Beijingers Lose Their Virginity Before 21, According to China's 2015 Love and Marriage Survey

Young Beijingers are the first among their Chinese peers to have sex, losing their virginity at an average age of less than 21, while while those born after 1995 are doin' it before the age of 18, the Beijing News reports.

The 2015 China Love and Marriage Survey, released on January 10 by the Peking University Social Survey Research Center and Joint Institute for Marriage, also concluded that China's way ahead of the curve in terms of divorce, with the fabled "Seven-Year Itch" striking most married couples in Year 5.

In all, 80,000 subjects were polled, covering all of China's municipalities, provinces, and autonomous regions, as well as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. 

As would be expected, the younger generations are having their first sexual experiences earlier and earlier in life. For those born after 1995, the average age of having sex for the first time 17.7; contrast this to those born prior to 1985, who had their first sexual experience at over 22 years old.

People from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan have sex the earliest, at 19.2 years old on average. Beijing is the randiest from the mainland, average age of 20.6.

Your level of education also affects the age at which people are havinh sex. Those with an undergraduate degrees have sex earlier, generally before they are 21. Those who have master’s and doctoral degrees tend to have sex later, at an average age of 21.7 years and 22.6 years old. As expected, those with a higher level of education also have a higher awareness of contraception.

Young people from divorced, single-parent families experience feelings of love earliest, on average.

Data in the survey also shows that more than half of the people throughout China (51.1 percent) had been in love before the age of 18.

Those from divorced or separated parents experienced their first love earlier, especially if their parents did not remarry. This category experienced their first love at 15.2 years old. Trends differ with age: those born before 1970 first experienced love later, around 19.2 years old, while those who were born after 1995 first experienced it around 12.7 years.

Those with a Ph.D, often the butt of jokes on the Chinese Internet, experience love more than those without a PhD on average 6.9 times in their life. Those who are college-educated experience it an average of 3.2 times.

Marriage and Marriage age
Looking at ages that people get married, most respondents were between 22 and 28 years old when getting married for the first time. 63.3 percent of males married "late" (which is considered to be after 25 years old), and 83.1 percent of women married late (which is considered to be after 23 years old).

When first cohabitating, respondents were generally between 20 and 24 years old. Out of all respondents, 38 percent were living together before they got married. The reasons for such late marriage were accredited to differences in generation.


The “seven year itch” has shrunk to be the “five year itch," as the survey shows that within three to five years of marriage the couple's happiness, on both sides, has reached the lowest value, with infidelity occuring in about 20 percent of marriages, for both women and men.

Out of all surveyed who had been married for three to five years, 11.1 percent of respondents said that if given a chance to do it all over, they would not choose to marry the same person, while 8.9 percent said they would not get married at all.

The report shows that because of housework, grocery shopping, caring for the elderly, and also working to make money, women feel more pressure than men in their marriage. This pressure and unhappiness is more in marriages with children. A survey shows that the proportion of children before the age of three largely solely in the care of their mothers is 29 percent, while only 2.1 percent of these children is in the sole care of their fathers.

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