Donate Your English Books to Orphans and Left-behind Kids for Xmas

A Beijing-based non-profit organization for orphans and poverty-stricken children needs your help, and it’s not money they need, it’s books. Simply donate your English language books either by dropping them off directly at the jingkids office near Sanlitun or having them delivered via kuaidi.

Earlier this year, we shared a glimpse into Memo Mata’s extraordinary veteran-turned-educator story, which brought him from Texas to Afghanistan to Beijing, where he now balances his duties as a vice-principal of Shuren-Ribet Private School, as well as his passion in building a school for children on the fringes of society. Mata met these kids through coaching with the non-profit organization Power Baseball Angels and discovered that they were good enough athletes to be recruited by universities overseas, provided they received a minimum of a high-school education, which led to him building a Cambridge Assessment of International Education (CIE) certified school.

There's more to this story! This article was originally published on our sister site, Jingkids International.

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READ: Where to Donate Clothes (and Other Things) in Beijing

Images: Memo Mata