Blog Tag - The Beijinger Chinese

TBJ Chinese: 本周吃货指南丨去这几家餐厅,寻找春天的味道
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 天气重新放晴啦,跟着我们去这几家餐厅寻找春天的味道吧。 承味堂 开业仅一年多,...
TBJ Chinese: 小姐姐体验当外卖员 (The Blogger Who Went Undercover as a Waimai Driver)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat 周末看到微博上的视频博主@曹导 贴出来的视频,她去体验了几天外卖骑手,...
啊! The Beijinger Launches Chinese Edition!
Eighteen years ago, the Beijinger was founded as a print-only magazine that aimed to bridge the gap between foreign residents and local Chinese by...