Blog Tag - History

The Red, The Yellow, The White, The Willow, Four Spiritual Animals in Beijing
Ever since Beijing -- actually back then it was called Yanjing -- was chosen as the capital of the Jin Dynasty, the city has been a bustling...
Doors to the Past: Visit These 9 Ancient Beijing Gates
I've always been puzzled by the ring road system in Beijing. It didn’t make sense to me when I first arrived here years ago, and it makes only a bit...
Beicology: The Capital's Complicated Relationship With Snow
Throughout the entire Winter Olympic season, the capital was blessed with heavy snows and howling winds welcoming Olympians and officials from all...
Beijing's Other Wall: Exploring What's Left of the Former City Wall
Beijing was once a city of walls and gates. Take Line 2 or Line 7 and you’ll hear the names of some of these gates. In fact, Line 2 runs along a loop...
What's In a Name, Anyway?: Why the Forbidden City Isn't So Purple After All
The Forbidden City is perhaps Beijing’s most famous urban landmark. Each year, millions of tourists queue up for a chance to walk the corridors and...
Mandarin Monday: What Did Elon Musk Just Post?
Mandarin Monday is a weekly column where we help you improve your Chinese by detailing learning tips, fun and practical phrases, and trends....
Mandarin Monday: Learn Your Moony Vocabulary
Back in the days when people still had no clue as how to harness electricity, not to mention utilizing its power to create entertainment, the night...
Douyin Dive: How Many Years Will I Be Sentenced For My Grandpa's Vase?
As a civilization that has experienced thousands of years of change and witnessed countless dynasties come and go, it's only natural that China...
Mandarin Monday: HerStory in Chinese Linguistics
Compared to the diverse array of first-person pronouns throughout history, options for third-person pronouns have been a bit more limited. The few on...
Who is Yuan Longping? The Man Who Fed Millions With Affordable Rice
If you happened to browse any Chinese social media during this past weekend, probably you have noticed there was a guy who has been mentioned...
 Got Milk? Getting Intimate With Naizifang Village's Wacky Past
When venturing into Beijing's labyrinth of lanes and alleys, you might often be struck by an unusual or baffling street sign or community name. While...
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow: The Ancient Chinese Who Battled Balding
A quick search for 脱发 tuōfà hair loss on TMall turns up a staggering amount of products, from shampoo to combs and pills to serums, all of which are...
Here's Your Beijing Spring Reading List
Hopefully, you had a lovely Qingming holiday enjoying time with friends or the blossoming flowers under a beautiful spring sky. There's an old...
Hop on This Train to The Spring And Discover The Hidden Beauty of Northwest Beijing
A long Qingming weekend is just around the corner, and with any luck, we'll get to enjoy it free from punishing sandstorms and an all-out catkin...
New Documentary, "The Six," Details the Untold Legacy of Chinese Men Who Survived the Titanic
Some historical stories and figures have been so well-chronicled that it often seems like nothing more can be said. From WWII to The Beatles and the...