Blog Tag - Writing

Mandarin Monday: Those Beijing Characters That Are on Your Tongue But Can't Write Down
Mandarin Monday is a weekly column where we help you improve your Chinese by detailing learning tips, fun and practical phrases, and trends. Among...
Bloggers of Beijing Dish on How They Mine Their Stories, May 31
The Blogging in Beijing WeChat group has just announced their second quarterly 2018 meet-up and networking event, which will take place on May 31, 7...
R The Job Hunt: Social Media Executive, PR and Social Media Lead, Writers Community Manager, Overseas App Operator
Spring is here! Who wants to spend Beijing's breezy and sunny days locked up in a boring, dead-end job, with horrible colleagues you'd rather never...
Literary Lushes: China’s Ancient Poets and Writers Liked Their Drink
The pages of Chinese literature are soaked with alcohol. Even Confucius wasn’t immune. The persnickety sage might have been careful with his portion...
Tickets for the 10th Bookworm International Literary Festival on Sale Now
The 2016 Bookworm Literary Festival, now in its 10th year, brings an impressive collection of authors from around the world to take part in talks,...
Is it Your Turn to Break Into China’s E-Book Market?
The upcoming Bookworm Literary Festival always leaves people dreaming about becoming famous authors, and publishing that autobiographical novel about...
Love to Write and Edit? Join beijingkids!
beijingkids, Beijing's essential international family resource, is seeking an additional staff writer to join its growing magazine and website. The...
Got A Thing For (Writing On) Beijing? We're Looking For You
Like hanging out with your compatriots? Think Sanlitun is the only spot to drop your drinking money? Been to the Forbidden City and Wangfujing but...
The Early Bird Gets the Bookworm Festival Tickets!
All, it’s that time of year again: The Bookworm International Literary Festival (BLF) is drawing near, bringing authors of great acclaim to our...
A Chat with Peter Hessler
Ah, Peter Hessler. The China writer we all know and love, and whom we're all just a little bit jealous of, because, hey, who hasn't thought, "Oh man...
Eat Your Way to Work
Jobs - yeah yeah - we got 'em ... Got a Big Mouth? And a big appetite to boot? If you love food and live for Beijing's dining scene, then head's up:...
Writing The China Book? Here's Some Tips
Admit it. There’s been at least one moment, marveling at the sun rising over the Forbidden City or the moon rising out of a pair of split pants,...