Beijing Airport Holds World's Worst Departure Record

As huge, developing countries with burgeoning economies, China and India are often seen as rivals on the world stage. Now both countries have ranked highly on a list they would probably prefer not to be on. For the second year in a row, Beijing Capital International Airport holds the world’s worst departure record, with just 38% of commercial passenger flights leaving on time, according to The worst airport in terms of arrivals was Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport, with just 45% of passenger flights arriving according to schedule.

Statistics were taken from FlightStats, described by Forbes as “a service that tracks historical and real-time flight information around the globe.” According to FlightStats, a flight is considered to be running on time if it arrives or departs less than 15 minutes after its scheduled time.

Local authorities have reassured travelers by declaring the Forbes ranking to be wrong. According to a report in the Global Times today, “A spokesperson for the Beijing airport said the list was incorrect, and Forbes never asked for the official statistics from the airport.” No doubt the "official" statistics would have revealed an officially excellent track record.


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International flights I have taken out of Beijing have always left on time.

It's got to better than the train station. Several times I have bought a ticket to take an early morning train only for it to be delayed from 30 minutes to an hour.

I would agree with commentators above, I take about 4 flights in and out of Beijing nationally and internationally a month, the international ones get priority I am sure, but delays on national flights are more frequent in Shanghai than in Beijing at least to my humble experiences of flying in and out over the last 4 years...

I travel to Shanghai and other places within China often and about 30% of the time my flight is delayed for one reason or another and it usually happens after I'm already on the plane.... seems pretty acurate to me! as far as the international flights I have never had a problem at all.. I think the international flights must get the priority.

Wish I was taking the same flights as commenters #1 and #3. Delays seem to be standard on domestic flights, along with third-rate excuses "The aircraft is delayed due to aircraft delay"

Caught about 20 flights out never left late, coming to Beijing is a different story.

Mmm, well every domestic flight I have ever caught from Beijing airport has been late. International flights, however, have generally been on time in my experience.

Register and post your own events on the beijinger website.

Of all the flights I have departed from the Beijing Airport, they all left on time. I constantly travel in and out of Beijing (both nationally and internationally).
Forbes needs to do better research.