Gentle But Not Softcore: Youngsters Sculpting Soundscapes

Gothenburg may be known as the cradle of melodic death metal, but it also nurtured the much gentler indie sound of post-rockers Immanu El, whose atmospheric pluckings have been compared to Sigur Rós and Mogwai. In less than four years, the quintet has played almost 200 shows in over 25 countries. Before finally landing in China, frontman Claes Strängberg had some thoughts to share with us.

What three things come to mind when you hear the term “post-rock”?
Experiments, dynamics and soundscapes. For me, post-rock is not a “sound” but a way of describing bands that try to develop and experiment with the sound of rock music.

How important are lyrics to you?
The lyrics are important but we don’t use them in an ordinary pop-music kind of way. Our’s are more floating and progressive than regular storytelling. We mix the lyric-based vocals with a lot of vocals without lyrics and try to create dynamics and soundscapes through the voices.

What’s the oddest comment that the band has ever gotten?
“Were you inspired by the erotica film Emmanuelle?”

What was the last thing that inspired you?
Our last tour in Europe. Touring is a great inspiration for me and I’m very happy we got the chance to do so many concerts around the world.

What kind of music would drive you insane the fastest?
21st century badly produced rap music with braindead lyrics. I simply can’t stand it.

Where’s the strangest place you’ve played?
In Par is for a film project. We shot an unplugged concert in an old museum, a tiny bookshop and in the middle of the street next to the Place des Vosges.

If you could join another band, which would it be?
That would be Radiohead. Full of geniuses and such inspiring people. They seem pretty nice as well!

What are your favorite three movies about love?
The Fountain, Lost In Translation, and A Swedish Love Story.

Immanu El plays with sounds at MAO Livehouse on Feb 10.

Click here to see the February issue of the Beijinger in full.

Photo courtesy of the organizers.