Potato Spoof Sets Chinese Web Alight, New Reality TV Show Sees Chinese Mothers Deep in Childbirth, Pain

Check out a A Taste of Britain, a gentle spoof on the Chinese POV of UK cuisine. Using the culinary documentary style of CCTV's A Bite of ChinaStuart Wiggin and Wu Tong from China Radio International's C4 comedy show attempted to make fun of their own native root vegetable through a Chinese lens. 

I don't really remember what British cuisine is like (Web Ed's note: Deliciously starchy, duhh!), and my only window is probably a couple weird Marc Almond songs about food and teenage promiscuity, but this comedy troupe's recent parody is going viral and for good reason. Here's the video so that you can decide if it's as shocking as some netizens are making it out to be. 


In other news make sure to check out Laiba Haiza (Come On, Child), the new reality show about the miracles of child birth. Beijing Cream described it as possibly the best new tool to promote population control.

It's shockingly hard-lined approach is causing night terrors for sexually active people all across China. The program uses 64 cameras installed in the birthing room to accurately portray "the greatness of a mother’s love." Somebody give that lady an epidural.

More entertainment for you in the coming week:

Photos: beijingcreamyouku