Pound Pints and Prance: Jing A Hold Inaugural Beer Mile, Feb 7

Like everyone else ever in higher education I would get suitably drunk. The difference, however, was that alcohol rendered me both stingy and impatient in equal measure, causing my befuddled brain to scream, “Listen up, fatty! It’s easier to run the 20 minutes home instead of getting a night bus home like the boring (read: sensible) citizens of Newcastle!” At which I would gallop into the night, sending any unsuspecting women walking home running in the opposite direction.

Thankfully those days have passed but that hasn’t stopped Jing A from tailoring an entire event around days of yore, when drunken running was economical as well as physically viable instead of a stumble, stumble, vom deal.

The event in question is the inaugural Jing A Beer Mile at 3.30pm on February 7, which challenges contestants to cough up RMB 150 to pound 400ml of beer, run a quarter mile, and repeat times three, rendering you drunk, tired, and presumably delirious, sweating like a pig and looking for the nearest object to writhe on.

Registration, which you can do here, will get you all of the aforementioned (writhing optional) as well as a finisher’s T-shirt (probably made of velour to soak up the tears) and “glorious” prizes, like a free stomach pump.

If you’re in serious need of some drinking-and-running practice then keep an eye out for similar events through the Hash House Harriers, the kings and queens of this most salubrious of pastimes.

Image: Jing A