Busy Holiday: Hikes to Keep You Fit Over the Break

In Busy Holiday, we're giving you a few things to try over the October Break.

You always say to yourself that you want to get out and hike while the weather's still nice. Well, with the National Holiday break here, you finally have time! And fortunately, the good people at Beijing Hikers have a full schedule of hiking tours prepared. In fact, they've planned a hike for every day of the holiday. Note that the Oct 5 camping trip as well as the Oct 6 Hike to Zhenbiancheng Great Wall are both fully booked, though you can try to grab a spot on the standby list.

Check out their calendar below. To book any of these, visit beijinghikers.com.

Oct 1: Great Flood Hike

Through rocky terrain, green meadows, along rivers, and up a steep valley, this hike through the Miyun mountains has it all. You're likely to see a few goats along the way too. It's not the easiest hike though, so inexperienced hikers may want to choose another on the list. RMB 390.

Oct 2 and 4: Stone Valley Great Wall Loop

This is a hike with a view! Head up to a tall tower on the wall to catch a birdseye view of the mountains, valleys, and villages below. RMB 430.

Oct 2: Silver Pagoda Loop

This Changping countryside hike will have you passing by plenty of stunning sights, from villages to shrines, on your way to the final goal, the 600-year-old Silver Pagodas. RMB 430.

Oct 3: Yellowstone Gap

Hike past Big Tiger Stone and Yellow Stone Gap in this trip to Northwest Beijing that will allow you see narrow cliff gaps up close and personal before checking out a restored section of the Great Wall. RMB 350.

Oct 6: Lakeside Great Wall to Longquanyu Great Wall

Water and walls, what more could you ask for in a hike? This trip starts a repaired part of the Great Wall, but will take you along quiet trails to more rustic segments of the grand landmark. RMB 400.

Zhenbiancheng Great Wall Loop Hike

Finish off the break with a more difficult hike along a remote segment of the wall and catch breathtaking mountain views along the way. RMB 350.

READ: Safety First: How to Stay Safe on Your Next Beijing Hike

Images courtesy of Beijing Hikers


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Thanks Beijinger team! And hi, Beijinger readers - hope to see you on a hike this holiday

Hikes in the hills around Beijing, every weekend since 2001. www.beijinghikers.com