Blog Tag - Interview

R Amerigo's Reflections on a Cyclist Stuck Indoors
As Beijing enters its second week in self-quarantine, the stories of how people have been dealing with the coronavirus outbreak – by staying, leaving...
过年How?: Miatta Momoh
We quiz some long-term Beijingers on how they intend to spend this year's Chinese New Year and hopefully uncover some horror stories along the way. ...
过年How?: Lean Into the New Year With Musical Barman Tavey Lean
We quiz some long-term Beijingers on how they intend to spend this year's Chinese New Year and hopefully uncover some horror stories along the way. ...
Beijing Lights: "Life Is Completely Meaningless to Me"
This post is part of an ongoing series by the Spittoon Collective that aims to share some of the voices that make up Beijing’s 21.7 million humans....
DP 过年How? Selina Wang
We quiz some Beijingers members on how they intend to spend this year's Chinese New Year and hopefully uncover some horror stories along the way. ...
As We Say Goodbye to China Music Geek Will Griffith, What's Next for Live Beijing Music?
The specifics of exactly when and how Will Griffith and I first met are murky but there's one thing we can both agree on: it was at a show. Ever...
Beijing Bids Farewell to One of Its Most Prominent Expats Badr Benjelloun
Ringing in of 2020 will be bittersweet for more ways than one: as most of us say farewell to the digital shitstorm that was the 2010s, a portion of...
Basque Math-Rockers Madeleine on Politics, Community, and the DIY Spirit
It wasn’t until this past summer that I truly understood where Basque Country was or, let’s be honest, even knew such a place existed. An autonomous...
Residence A
One of my fondest memories of Beijing and one that pushed me into documenting the music scene was witnessing Residence A one late Christmas Eve in...
Dull and Drawn-Out or Lush and Life-Affirming? You Decide at Beijing's Biggest Post-Rock Festival
Most people tend to assume they know what they’re getting when they hear the words post and rock. Adjectives like lush and beautiful – and on the...
'Midnight in Peking' Author Paul French Returns With Tales of Murder in Old China
Midnight in Peking author Paul French just can't resist a good crime story, whether it comes from Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, or anywhere else in...
New Noise Celebrate 10 Years of Touring Some of the Biggest Rock Bands on the Planet
If live music is part of your Beijing diet, chances are you’ve been lucky enough to attend a New Noise show. Some of the indie music scene’s biggest...
The Unrelenting and Contagious Energy of Japanese All-Female Party Punks BimBamBoom
Bands from Japan operate on a different wavelength then what Westerns have become accustomed to. The bedrock may be the same – a sharp sense of genre...
Life Awaits on Striking a Nerve
"I’m not afraid to reinvent, I’m only afraid of losing again," Bai Yu sings on "In Descent," the closing track of Life Awaits’ debut EP, and you don’...
Kavin Jay of Netflix Fame Talks His Grumpy Comedy Tour, Coming to Beijing Sunday
Kavin Jay was already one of Malaysia's most well-known comedians, but he didn't have much of a name for himself outside of Southeast Asia until 2018...