Blog Tag - Irish Network China

Comedian Des Bishop's Breaking China to be Shown in its Entirety Tomorrow Night (Nov 18)
What would drive you to move all the way to China to live with a Chinese family? For comedian Des Bishop, it was working at an Irish kebab shop. He...
Community Matters: Dress Like Your Favorite Priest
The Irish Network China (INC) is inviting British and Irish TV buffs to dress like priests, nuns or housekeepers to pay dues to the number one...
Community Matters: Crazy and Single
Pizza, beer and a movie. Sounds like an awkward middle-school sleep over party. That’s until you throw some rowdy Irish men into the mix. Tonight,...
Living La Vida Local: What’s Cooking This Spring?
Yes, the weekend is here at last, but thanks to Tomb Sweeping Day, many of us are stuck in the office on this lovely Saturday morning. At least we...
20 Years and Still Green: Irish Ball Tonight!
What other party offers free-flow Murphy's and whiskey until 4am in the morning? No wonder the Irish Ball, now in its 20th year, was voted Best...
Living La Vida Local: Indian Bazaar, Guinness Cupcakes and BJ Foodies
First off, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Our Nightlife Editor’s already provided with you a solid list of parties going on this weekend, but we’ve got a...