Blog Tag - Mooncakes

Fast Food Watch: Are These the Worst Mooncakes Ever?
Mooncakes are a traditional food served during Mid-Autumn Festival, and we may have found the worst ones ever. At, on average, 1,000 calories a pop...
Community Matters: Organic Farmers' Market Does Mid-Autumn Right
A truly healthy and community-spirited Mid-Autumn festival celebration is not that hard to find. Green T. House Living is organizing a day of...
Mooncakes, Part 3: The Ugly, aka Making Them Yourselves
So now we’ve come to the third in our series: The Ugly. This is for those who care less about how their mooncakes will actually look and taste. It’...
Mooncakes: The Good, The Trad(itional) and the Ugly (Part 2)
Sure, you might prefer the moussey tiramisu options and moist mooncupcakes from our previous post. But now picture yourself showing up at your...
Mooncakes: The Good, the Trad(itional) and the Ugly (Part 1)
It’s time for that densest of Chinese cultural treats: mooncakes. Comedian Johnny Carson once said, “The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only...
Capital Bites: Win Ocean Grounds Coffee and Home Filter, Plus Blue Frog Opening Party
We're awaiting some big openings in September, including the new Eatalia, Jeff Powell's Back Alley Bistro and more, but we're closing out August...
News You Might Have Missed: The Middle East, Morals and Mooncakes
China has been making news well beyond its border recently with relationships in the Middle East. Domestically, a recent incident has fueled a...
Weibo Roundup: Cake, Scandal, and a Little Locke
As we head into the Mid-Autumn Festival long weekend, what's been burning up the Chinese microblogosphere? Fans of mooncakes have taken to Weibo to...
China's Angry Obsession
The Angry Birds video game has been a global hit, but no one has taken that obsession as far as China. When it comes to the Angry Birdification of...
Capital Bites: South Beauty Exposé, Happy Birthday Lily's and How to Eat a Mooncake
Yet another food scandal! South Beauty, known for their upscale locations and kicky Sichuan food (not to mention multiple wins in the "Best Sichuan...
Modern Mooncakes: Treats for Mid-Autumn Festival
Mid-autumn festival is coming up, bringing cooler weather – let’s hope – and, of course, mooncakes. The staple gift/ personal treat for the...
All the Mooncakes in the Cosmos
Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by sampling all the mooncakes in the cosmos. Here's a listing of the various styles of mooncakes and the places to get...