October 2011

the Beijinger - November 2011: For The Record

If you've got access to CCTV you'll likely have seen the endearing lunacy of its official Guinness World Records show. Rubik's Cube manipulation, tiny-wheeled unicycling and eating M&Ms with chopsticks - almost anything is legitimate to become the best in the world at. Our November Cover Feature explains everything you need to know about China and Guinness World Records. We've gone straight to those who know - the record breakers and recorders themselves.

China's been going crazy for World Records and Beijing is at the center of that. As proud Beijingers we're pretty crazy about World Records too. When Guinness World Records challenged us (and you, our readers) to get in their good book we couldn't turn it down. This issue is the start of that quest and we hope that you are coming along with us.

Elsewhere in the magazine there's plenty more to keep you entertained between record attempts. Our Dining Feature eats its way around the Indian subcontinent right here in town, we reveal the Sea Gypsies of Borneo in our Explore Feature and we challenge some of the city's bartenders against the best in the world in Party Like A ...

We've also got an Ecology Feature on the surprising environmental impact of China's golf courses, we take on capoeira with TV chef Jun Trinh in Playdate and we introduce the replacement for Ich Bin Ein Beijinger (Auf Weidersehen, Kaiser Kuo) in Peking Man (Nihao, George Ding).

As ever we've got all the content that matters. The best in events, new bars, restaurants and shops and more prizes than ever, including tickets to the British Ball.

You can download the November issue of the Beijinger here (you'll need to sign in to download the PDF) or you can read it below.

the Beijinger - October 2011: Tenth Anniversary Issue

Happy birthday to us. We're ten this month and we celebrate that achievement in our Cover Feature. We take a look, with your help, at Beijing then and now. We recreated and juxtaposed your photos to see what has changed and what has not with the passage of a decade in this city that we all now call home.

Elsewhere in the magazine, we're sad to see the final column of Ich Bin Ein Beijinger. Kaiser has been enlightening us all on life in Beijing for a decade and while we're disappointed to see that end, we are excited to see what's coming next for the back page.

Other than that, there is a lot of the usual interviews and features on what's happening in Beijing during the month. We take a look at pork and rhinos in our Ecology Feature, we ask Danwei.com's Jeremy Goldkorn what is on his bookshelf and we Get The Look for what all the smartly-dressed girls will be wearing at our anniversary party. There's also a bar crawl to recreate Beijing circa October 2001 in Party Like A ... , there's the lowdown on where to shoot things in Beijing and we visit Beijing World Park.

With a bucketload of the best in events, new bars, restaurants and shops and more prizes than ever, including RMB 1000 at Doing Spa, and you have the Tenth Anniversary Issue of the Beijinger. Enjoy.

You can download the October issue of the Beijinger here (you'll need to sign in to download) or you can read it below.