Rifling Pleasure: Pop-up Shop in 798 This Weekend

We know a good event when we see one, and The Pop Shop 2012 offers the whole package: tantalizing wares (vintage clothes for under 100 kuai) and entertainment (a silent auction, drinks and music) in a cool location (a 798 art studio), all in the name of charity (proceeds go to Renqiu Home for Disabled Orphans and Pengcheng Special Education School) this Saturday, August 25 from noon-7pm.

Before then, you can help out by donating your old wares. If you have clothes and accessories (or anything else vintage or well-designed) piling up in your closet that you haven’t touched for months, give them away – the funds raised will benefit underprivileged children, and the new owner will surely appreciate them more. You can either drop off your items the day of (Aug 25) from 10am-noon, or at designated points in Gulou and 798 (see bottom of post).

Need more incentives for attending? The organizers’ press release promises “racks and racks of vintage, ready-for-a-new-home clothing,” as well as alcohol and mixers, cupcakes, jewelry and other miscellaneous services. Anything goes in this one-day marketplace, so long as it will appeal to its target patron: the “fashion-fervent, people-loving, Beijing-based do-gooder.” As mentioned before, 100 percent of the funds raised will go to charity. Any leftover goods not sold will be recycled back into the communities that need it, so nothing is wasted.

DROP-OFF POINTS (contact in advance):
1) In Andingmen/Wudaoying/Lama Temple area: Sophie (135 2273 7005)
2) In 798 at the UCCA red dinosaurs: Sybella (186 1115 7030) or Sophie (135 2273 7005)

Those of you who have unique and valuable items to donate, contact sophia.mckinnon@gmail.com (English) or sybellachow@hotmail.com (Chinese) as soon as possible, as they could be considered for the silent auction.

The Pop Shop 2012
Saturday, Aug 25. Free (to attend). 12-7pm. 798 studio space 二楼– near the south gate of the district, just up the road from Beijing Commune (walking away from the south gate, going east). The sign above the door will read ‘Unicorn Vision.'

Images: Courtesy of Sophie McKinnon


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Is it not against the law to sell on second hand clothing and goods in China based on the public health and hygiene regulations?

Does this really look like the face of concern?