Blog Tag - TBJ Chinese

TBJ Chinese: 按下切换键,咖啡馆变酒吧 (Coffee Goes Alcoholic)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 五一集中探店的日子过完了,不知道大家走了哪条路线,艺术音乐线(艺术北京博览会+...
TBJ Chinese: 春夏之交,吃不够的美丽下午茶 (Tea Between Spring and Summer)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 春夏之交,除了出门去看花花草草,更可以与闺蜜朋友找一处看得见风景的房间,...
TBJ Chinese: 喝自然酒的时候你在想什么
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 全食物、有机食品、清洁标签、慢食运动,这些术语你可能或多或少都听说过,...
TBJ Chinese: 年轻人,去体检、买保险、立遗嘱,别拖延!
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 编 者 按: 90后也迈入了“中年人”的行列,生老病死都是逃不开的话题。...
TBJ Chinese: “最是一年春好处”,快来这些公园打卡春光吧!
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. ”一年之计在于春”。天气转暖了,看到大家已经迫不及待换上春夏装了。清明也快到了,...
TBJ Chinese: 谷爱凌获冬奥会参赛资格:弃美国籍为中国摘金,17岁的她是怎样做到的?
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 在与谷爱凌相关的报道里,“福布斯榜单上的精英”、“斯坦福学霸”、“世界冠军”...
TBJ Chinese: 本周吃货指南丨去这几家餐厅,寻找春天的味道
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 天气重新放晴啦,跟着我们去这几家餐厅寻找春天的味道吧。 承味堂 开业仅一年多,...
TBJ Chinese: 艺文播报丨北京三月新展,这才是相约的正确地点啊
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 3月里,北京迎来了多个大展。上周留言区的朋友们表达了曾经经历过各种诡异的约会地点...
TBJ Chinese: 约会面面观 (On Dating in China)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. Date Night China最近针对在中国生活的外国女性进行了一次调研,...
TBJ Chinese: 走!去逛北京城区最大花市!(Let's go Flower Shopping!)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 晚明文人袁宏道曾写过插花界的经典著作《瓶史》,他说,自己很想在岩石和流水间归隐...
TBJ Chinese: 本周吃货指南丨100%植物料理TYV开业,全时段享乐新店gaga,叁粉叁米粉开门迎客
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 本周有三家新店推荐——100%植物料理休闲餐厅take your...
TBJ Chinese: 西瓜“有毒”,年纪轻轻可千万别点 (The Addicting Watermelon Game)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 2021年的第一个月已经接近尾声了,围观群众还在线上“吃瓜”无法自拔,...
TBJ Chinese: 啤酒热闻丨京A、悠航、北平机器、大跃、牛啤堂...háo多新酒来袭!
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 朋友们大家好,啤酒热闻回来了。本周的啤酒圈真是热热闹闹,豪háo多新酒来袭,...
TBJ Chinese: 今年有望实现车厘子自由吗? (On the Price of Cherries)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 从没想过, 曾经高攀不起的车厘子竟然也有降价的一天! 这几天,“...
TBJ Chinese: 只卖一天的奥利奥汉堡,到底什么名堂? (The Spam and Oreo Burger)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 当我第一次听说北京的麦当劳要卖“给利奥”——午餐肉奥利奥汉堡、...