Screentime: Jim Nobles, Founder, Beijing Horror Film Society

"Screentime" is a regular magazine column in which we ask Beijing personalities to tell us about the films and television shows that have left an indelible impression on them. This month, the Beijinger speaks to Beijing Horror Film Society Founder Jim Nobles.

Have you ever walked out of the movie theater? If so, which scene made you say “I can’t watch any more of this”? 
Johnny Mnemonic with Keanu Reeves. The “dolphin” scene put me over the top. I avoid any movie with Tom Green, Rob Schneider and Adam Sandler after Little Nicky.

Which character from TV/film would you most like to be?
James West from the TV series The Wild, Wild West. He always had great taste and always got the girls.

What line from a movie/TV show do you quote the most?
"What is best in life?" “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of the women,” from Conan the Barbarian.

What was your favorite movie when you were a child?
The Lion in Winter with Peter O’Toole and Katherine Hepburn is still one of my favorite movies.

Was there a film/TV show that helped you through a difficult period in your life?
After breaking up with a girlfriend, Faces of Death really helped me during that dark time in my life.

What hangout from a TV show or movie would you like to spend your spare time in?
I was a fan of the TV show Magnum, PI and I loved the guest house that Magnum lived in on the beach in Hawaii. Moon base Alpha from Space: 1999 would also have been great.

What movie does the most to squander the goodwill that it gained from a great opening?
There are two. George Lucas with his Star Wars prequels and Steven Spielberg with the last Indiana Jones film. Add Shia LaBeouf to my list of actors I won’t watch again.

What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
The original Robert Wise 1963 film The Haunting with Julie Harris. It’s black and white, with great cinematography, thematic music and a stellar cast. The “breathing” door kept me up for days.

Are you a re-watcher of films? Why or why not?
Yes! Films are my favorite art form and just like listening to a good song over and over, I do the same with film.

What’s your favorite sequel?
Aliens. I love the Ridley Scott original, but James Cameron did a great job with the sequel.

What’s the best TV show theme song? Why?
The theme from The Rockford Files. Every time I hear it, I want to race down the highway in a sports car at 100 miles an hour.

Catch Jim as he hosts the weekly Beijing Horror Film Society screenings, every Monday night at Nanluogu Xiang’s 69 Café.

Photo: Mitchell Pe Masilun