Blog Tag - TBJ Chinese

TBJ CN: 来一口甜丨什么样的下午茶让人天天都想去打卡?
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 今天探秘两家米其林指南上的中餐,感受一下新派中餐厅的奢华体验。 山河万朵...
TBJ CN: 来一口甜丨什么样的下午茶让人天天都想去打卡?
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 美好初冬,本周推荐几个我们自己都恨不得天天能去的酒店下午茶。...
TBJ Chinese: 无惧寒风,墨圈儿和Las Musas的热情墨西哥菜品,达屋清酒配烧鸟大餐
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 北京一下降到零下了,寒冷来得让人措手不及。下面三家暖心菜品,...
TBJ Chinese: 吮指丨爱吃披萨的你看过来,京城两家新开意式披萨店
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 离去年的披萨节已经一年多了,这一年中北京也冒出了好多披萨届的新面孔,...
TBJ Chinese: 与De Refter的创始人之一/主厨Clement聊一聊 (Tracy Speaks With Chef Clement of De Refter)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 机电院里面藏着好几家我们喜欢的餐厅,其中之一就是De...
TBJ Chinese: 招聘 | 新媒体编辑快到碗里来!(Join the True Run Media Team!)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 简单、直接、欢乐的办公环境 热情、...
TBJ CN: 2020北京汉堡杯冠军诞生!
从9月18日2020汉堡杯投票正式启动 经过了一个多月火热又紧张的投票 冠军终于产生了! 第十届北京汉堡杯的冠军是... Beijing's best burger goes to... 街旁 Side Street! 街旁这次一路披荆斩棘, 先是打败了米家思,接着战胜了Plan...
TBJ Chinese: 2020汉堡杯前4强新鲜出炉!(Burger Cup Final 4)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. thebeijinger与锦食送JSS强强联手举办的2020汉堡节正式落幕...
TBJ Chinese: 2020汉堡杯32强名单出炉,继续为你心爱的汉堡投票!(Cast Your Vote in the Round of 32)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. The Beijinger 与锦食送JSS强强联手举办的2020汉堡节正式落幕...
TBJ Chinese: 风起云涌,2020会是北京疯狂汉堡年吗?(A Crazy Year for Burgers)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 不知各位听过没有一句来自“汉堡人”的话,“You either die a...
TBJ Chinese: 重磅回归丨2020汉堡节归来,早鸟票开售!
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 注意了,北京的汉堡爱好者 由thebeijinger打造的2020汉堡节强势回归...
TBJ Chinese 夏末初秋,三家奢华下午茶甜蜜上线 (Three New Luxury Afternoon Teas)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 缤纷八月,各家奢华酒店下午茶翩然上市。下周就是七夕了,不论是想要与TA,...
TBJ Chinese: 小酒馆的下酒好菜,艺术馆的创意美食,明星私藏上海菜​ (Tracy's Fine Food Recommendations)
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 本周,咱来个三站式餐厅推荐,谁说大周二的不能好酒好肉地吃起? Suzy•苏西酒家...
TBJ Chinese: 跟Cabo Coffee 老板Jack聊了聊 An Interview With Jack of Cabo Coffee
Prefer to read the latest about Beijing in Chinese? Follow our Chinese edition, theBeijinger中文版, on WeChat. 烈日炎炎,还有什么能比喝上一口浓郁醇厚的美味咖啡更能让人提神的呢?Cabo...